Monday 2 May 2016

I feel in control...

I was advised not to send the letter to him and yet I did, and still a week and a bit later I still have no regrets and honestly I feel so much better for it. Now when thoughts of him pop into my head they just do that, pop, they don't stay around and create scenarios of what ifs. They simply happen and go and I am so grateful for this. I have finally won over my mind and I feel I am now back in control, I feel I can now go on about my life and live it for me. I don't spend my days wondering what he is doing anymore, I concentrate on me and my friends. The letter for me was the biggest weight lifted off me ever, so if your ever thinking of sending a letter to an ex then I would say do it, be brave just for 1 minute and send it. It may bring a tense few days but after that it will all be worth it. 

letting go...