Monday 28 September 2015

and in the end...


So I am away at the moment and all I can think of is how much I want him here with me. I dreamt of him the other night, something I have not done in a while and it was the best feeling ever when I woke up. I have even spoke about him whilst I have been away to my family, he literally is something that just sits at the back on my mind and likes to make an appearance every now and again. The good thing is I don't feel sad when I think of him anymore, I feel happiness that I have known him but overall I have more of a strange feeling, like when you lose something but you know it is not gone forever and someday you will find it again. I can't really describe it in another way so I am afraid for now that is all I can muster up. Either way he is in my thoughts even if he is a million miles away.
On another note I had another weird dream last night about one of my other attractions, before this ex. My ex himself was not in this dream but this other guy was and he was upset and when I gave him a hug to comfort him it was like the most natural feeling ever, like this is how things should be. All this will not make sense to the outsider but I am writing this for my own memory purpose. With this guy we never kissed even though there was a deep feeling there between us, but in my dream we had our first kiss. My mind has decided for some reason to dig him up, and make me feel something towards him instead of my ex. It is like my mind is craving the feeling of being wanted, of having someone there and is therefore creating scenarios which are never going to happen; in the process however making me over think lots of other things instead. Cheers brain.

i love you...

Friday 18 September 2015


if only...

As much as I love to read about fate and destiny and how people end up back together after years of being apart, I am also immensely jealous that some can find a way to rekindle. I hope one day fate will bring me back into his arms again however I also have to stop fantasizing that and should probably be a bit more realistic. The question is, if we did make our way back to each other would it work out this time, or would it all just be a cover up fro the first few months before the cracks start to appear again. 
Curiosity killed the cat, but I think it would be worth it.

Monday 14 September 2015

at night I think...

I hate that I still cry...

I can't sleep. I cannot for the life of me get him off my mind, and you know what...all I want to do is cry right now. I have shed one single tear and honestly I am angry at myself for doing so. I do not know what it is but tonight all I can think of is him, of everything that we were and what happened, both the good and bad. I hate how he still has this power over me, granted it is power I have created, he has not spoken to me for months now and I have not seen him so it is purely my own mind creating all this. And it kills me, why can't I move on, why am I here, a year later still thinking of him before I go to sleep? Still wishing he is lying next to me right this moment. Why can't I picture my life with anybody else but him? I am trying my hardest not to think all these thoughts but it is so much easier to say than it is to do. I torture myself but I don't know how to stop. Am I subconsciously punishing myself for everything going so wrong? What is he doing now? Does he still think of me? Does he have a little art of his mind that thinks we may one day have a chance of getting back together? Right now, I am a mess. I have to be up for work in 4 hours so I wish I could just fall asleep and wake up tomorrow feeling much more positive and happier about everything. Even though I am going through some big changes in my life which should mean I am happier, it just makes me think of him more. I do not know where I going to go from honestly feels never ending.

easier to say than do...

Monday 7 September 2015

look inside...

the salty taste of tears...

Right now, well the past few days I have been feeling really emotional. Anything is making my heart make a twist and cause my face to distort into that face you make just before tears come down, I can feel the tightness in my throat and I have no idea why. Is it from all my feelings that I am working so hard to suppress? Is it my minds way of letting me know that someone who meant so much to me has gone and will not return? I know about memory suppression and how it is harmful to yourself in the long run, these things cannot be hid forever and will eventually change you in one way or another or all come pouring out. But I have embraced reality, I have finally accepted that me and him are not to be so why do I feel so sad. There is nothing in my life that is making me upset, I am happy (or at least I think I am), and it is literally anything that will make me want to burst into tears. Yes I am a girl but it is not near that dreaded week yet so I cannot even use that as an excuse. I just feel like something is missing, and maybe if I looked for a reason really hard it could be because of my holiday coming up. A holiday, a family holiday where everyone is bringing their other halves, except for me. A holiday where I will be a third wheel everyday. Perhaps this is what is causing my brain to unconsciously make me feel sadness. Reminding me that I am single and I will not be able to share this holiday experience with another. In the evenings they will all be sat around discussing the day and getting to fall asleep next to the one they love, and I, well I will be lying there most probably thinking of him. It will not be intentional I'm sure, I don't plan on making myself think of him and what we had but I know it is almost inevitable, he still manages to creep into my thoughts most nights before I go to sleep. I have wanted to speak to him the past few days as well, I have thought of ways, of excuses, I could text him with to spark a conversation. I have resisted however, as I know it would probably end up with me feeling more let down rather than elated. Who knew, a year and a bit later he would still be plaguing my thoughts, that he would be having an effect on my mind without him even meaning to. The road to moving on is obviously still a long hard way ahead.

Friday 4 September 2015

just because...

I think this describes a lot of how I feel towards texting him or getting in contact. I want to be there but at the same time is it appropriate? If I didn't text him to ask to see his son he wouldn't offer for me to come around and spend some time, therefore I have come to see me being there for him as a bit of a nuisance. Something he has to put up with just to keep the peace, but that is what makes me feel so uncomfortable sometimes, that I am forcing myself back into their lives. At the same time I need him to know that I will be there for him if he ever wanted to talk or need something, no matter what. Its a constant battle between doing what is right for the situation and doing what is right for my heart.

good morning...

Thursday 3 September 2015

a different perspective...


crazy right?...

Last night, before I went to sleep I created this whole conversation between me and him. An imaginary one, one where I received a message of him wanting to speak and wanting to tell me something. I created it word for word and I have no idea why, it sounds crazy right?! But for some reason my brain decided it would do a role play all by itself. I had his reply and my reply to a tee, I knew how I would reply and then I gave a response by which I think he would definitely say. I just could not get him off by brain last night, and I think it is at night when he manages to creep into my thoughts the most. At night, when there is nothing else to think about but falling asleep, my brain kicks into action and just starts creating all this crazy scenarios, that would obviously never happen in real life, unless I lived in a movie world. I guess this is just something my mind wants to do to comfort itself, like a baby with a blanket, it chooses to wrap itself up in these weird scenarios and almost rock itself to sleep with the thought of 'why couldn't this happen one day.' Apart from that I have only wished to speak to him a few times and that has been because I have seen something that has immediately made me think of him and I have wanted to share this with him. However I have resisted the temptation as I know that once I have sent that text, I will feel like I then have to make a conversation, a conversation he might be too busy to get involved in but be too polite to say. A conversation that I deep down will help to provide my mind with an extra layer on that blanket and offer me some hope. And to be honest, I am tired of hoping. Hope is what killed me the most in the end, I wished for the best but I never planned for the worst. I just kept hoping that things would turn around and end up for the better. Even now I know I do have that hope still, hidden in the depths of my mind. I know I can keep it there as long as I don't provide it with any material to grow into something that will affect me once again. I need to be strong and I need to just live with what little thoughts of him remain, until I know that I can fall asleep without wishing he was next to me, without trying to make myself remember how we smelt and what his skin felt like against mine. I need to be able to get by without stirring every conversation towards him ( I say it in the innocent manner but I know deep down, and everyone else can see it crystal clear, its because I am not yet fully over him). Time heals all wounds, but then again time sure does drag when your not having fun.