Monday 28 September 2015


So I am away at the moment and all I can think of is how much I want him here with me. I dreamt of him the other night, something I have not done in a while and it was the best feeling ever when I woke up. I have even spoke about him whilst I have been away to my family, he literally is something that just sits at the back on my mind and likes to make an appearance every now and again. The good thing is I don't feel sad when I think of him anymore, I feel happiness that I have known him but overall I have more of a strange feeling, like when you lose something but you know it is not gone forever and someday you will find it again. I can't really describe it in another way so I am afraid for now that is all I can muster up. Either way he is in my thoughts even if he is a million miles away.
On another note I had another weird dream last night about one of my other attractions, before this ex. My ex himself was not in this dream but this other guy was and he was upset and when I gave him a hug to comfort him it was like the most natural feeling ever, like this is how things should be. All this will not make sense to the outsider but I am writing this for my own memory purpose. With this guy we never kissed even though there was a deep feeling there between us, but in my dream we had our first kiss. My mind has decided for some reason to dig him up, and make me feel something towards him instead of my ex. It is like my mind is craving the feeling of being wanted, of having someone there and is therefore creating scenarios which are never going to happen; in the process however making me over think lots of other things instead. Cheers brain.

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