Wednesday 23 March 2016

I need to tell you something...

It has happened, I found out today off my friend that my ex is with someone new now. When she first told me my heart dropped but I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would. Yes I am not too pleased in hearing this, but it has been nearly 2 years so I can't expect him not to move on. The good thing is it means I don't have to send that letter and I don't have to rejected by him, to hear them words coming out of his mouth 'I am with someone' would have hurt me more than my friend telling me. Least now I know and I can try and move on with my life instead of moping about thinking what if. I think I may be in a state of a shock that I have just found this out as I can't say I am feeling many emotions just I feel flat, a bit deflated. There is a lot more going on in my head which is probably affecting how I feel towards this but I am happy for him and good luck to them both. It did not work for me and him but if I forget about the last few months of our relationship, then he was the best boyfriend there ever was, he did everything right and he set the expectations bar so so high, he really was a mr romantic. I still obviously love him but I can at least now concentrate on trying to dull them feelings, I can tell hope that there is no need for it anymore, my heart and brain can finally breathe out and relax.

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