Monday 18 May 2015

25th August 2014...

So I was doing all fine that I spotted you on whatsapp with your new profile pic, in the Invictus hoodie, and I felt sick and a knife tore through me again. You looked so good and it just made me miss you all over again, who knew a picture would be able to do that.
I don’t know why it hurt me so much, I wasn’t looking for you which is probably why, it just surprised me and because you looked happy and so good in it…have I said that already? ha…I do like that picture.
I could rant on about how Im jealous of the next person who gets to share their life with you and how much I love and miss you but that wouldn’t do any good in the steps for moving forward so I shall resist. Im doing good, I feel okay I just didn’t think a photo would do this to me. I hope your all good and your son is fine. I’d like to be able to say we shall speak soon but that is not the case.
I dreamt the other night that we started speaking again but as usual it ended up arguing so if my dreams are saying that then I definitely don’t want to have it in real life. Even though it has been nearly 2 months, I still think it is too soon or should I say too fresh and raw for us to try and be friends again. I hope one day we can be able to speak to each other normally, but at the same time I don’t know if I could cause I would be so jealous of anyone you got with and I would want much more than just friendship.

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